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IMaSS Emerging Contaminants Day

Italian Mass Spectrometry Society (IMaSS) is proud to introduce You:

IMaSS Emerging Contaminants Day

Traditional and "emerging" PFAS

September 15th, 2022, University of Bologna

Aula Magna U.E.1 - Polo Didattico Navile - Via della Beverara 123/1

Hybrid event with the possibility of participation in presence or online!

Event schedule:

Slides of the oral presentations:

PFAS are widely employed in several fields, such as domestic use items, medical devices, paper and general packaging materials, fabrics manufacturing, automotive, and so on… They are a critical issue for environment. They are as well a very critical issue for their presence in food.
Indeed, a lot of PFAS-containing materials bump into food: food packaging, cookware (for instance, non-stick pans), single use plates, glasses and silverware (materials later released in the environment…) Food packaging, hence, become a sort of link between environment and food safety.